Introduction: “These things for the churches,” based on Revelation 22.16. This talk is now available on YouTube.
Talk 1: The prophecy of a city of gold: Why are we here to begin with? This talk is now available on YouTube. There are two PDF documents available in support of this and the following talks. You may download them here: Timeline of Revelation; Overview of Revelation.
Talk 2: The prophecies that tell the time: How soon is big change coming? This talk is now available on Youtube.
Talk 3: The prophecies of the great dragon: Why is there evil in the world? This talk is now available on Youtube.
Talk 4: The prophecy of coming judgment: Why is there so much suffering in the world? This talk is now available on Youtube.
Talk 5: The prophecy of Babylon the Great: What is so wrong with religion? This talk is now available on YouTube.
Talk 6: The prophecies of divine rescue: What can we do to be ready? This talk is now available on YouTube. The PDF document, Overview of Revelation, that is made available for Talk 1 is also referred to in this talk.