The Apocalypse predicts how life on earth is going to come to a conclusion. However, the six prophecies identified on this page are not those predictions. They are “precursor” prophecies because they are forerunners of the final prophecies; they simply point to the predictions of more drastic things to come. They are “the prophecies that tell the time.” There is “Big Change Coming”!
Once these six prophecies have been fulfilled, the way is prepared for the final prophecies of the Apocalypse to begin to unfold. An introductory presentation by Jim of these six prophecies is now available on Youtube.
The six prophecies are listed here. Click any of them to join the conversation.
The white horse
A picture of a comprehensive change of thinking in human society. Read more…
The red horse
A picture of peace being removed from the earth with the result of people killing one another. Read more…
The black horse
A picture of dramatically increased tension on earth between the rich and the poor with food becoming scarce and costly. Read more…
The pale horse
A picture of widespread calamity ranging from disease and famine to civil war and genocide. The number of human casualties is massive. Read more…
The cry for justice
A prophecy of the slaughter of many people whose allegiance is to the Creator of the universe. Read more…
Hiding places
A prophecy of such upheaval on earth and in the visible cosmos that the people on earth shudder in fear of what is coming. Read more…